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Erase All Kittens

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Description of Resource

Erase All Kittens teaches children to code in a completely new way. Instead of just learning simple concepts, kids can learn professional languages by changing the code of the game, in order to build and fix levels as they play.

  • Super fun gameplay and collectible kittens
  • Real-world skills including HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Builds up confidence, creativity and critical thinking

Computer Science Field Guide

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Description of Resource

An online interactive resource for high school students learning about computer science.

Description (RTF)

Open source
This project is completely open source and available on GitHub. Coding Games

Description of Resource


Curious about coding? Code it up with SpongeBob SquarePants, the Game Shakers, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Play Nickelodeon's Coding Kickoff to learn the basics!


Description of Resource

​A computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. No CS experience required CS First empowers every teacher to teach computer science with tools and resources that are free of charge. Fun hands-on learning Students learn through video tutorials and block-based coding in Scratch.Always free of charge CS First is totally free of charge — any number of students, all materials, as many lessons as you want.

Computing for ANyONe

Description of Resource

Welcome to the CANON lab. CANON (a musical term for a melody and variations with voices added gradually - such as Pachelbel's Canon - so named because of the synergies between this musical "roadmap" and combination of computational control instructions as well as a shared desire to balance structure and creative expression) focuses on researching innovations in computational thinking education at the elementary and middle school levels with a primary emphasis on equity and inclusion for all underrepresented populations - underrepresented ethnic minorities, females, and students with learning differences. Our philosophy is to, like a canon, accomplish this through a blend of structure and variation to balance concrete goals with encouraging creativity.

Just as our interventions focus on providing supportive learning environments for all students regardless of background or characteristics, our lab has the same goal, providing a supportive learning and working environment for students and staff from all backgrounds. We believe that if we are to design for broad audiences, we benefit from a diversity of designer voices.

Click on Research to find out more about what we do!

UChicago Stem Education

San Francisco Unified School District K-2 Curriculum

Description of Resource

SFUSD's creative computing curriculum introduces computer science as a creative, collaborative, and engaging discipline to children in kindergarten through second grade. Across 4 units and 15-20 lessons, students will learn about algorithms and programming, computing systems, the Internet, and impacts of computing, while developing strong practices and dispositions. Lessons are designed to be implemented in 45 to 60-minute periods approximately once per week.

Other Requirements
Unit 2 - Bee-Bots
Unit 3 - ScratchJr
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