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Description of Resource

Vidcode is a coding platform for 3rd grade and up! We provide free curriculum, highly visual coding platform and teacher support. The curricular approach enables students to create video filters, simulations, augmented reality, and other creative projects -- all while learning the fundamentals of computer science & web programming.Students code video filters, video games, special effects, celebrity name generators, haunted houses, simulations and more! 

Vidcode's program includes over 300 open-ended, online coding tutorials paired with standards-aligned lesson plans, practices, discussions, assessments and project ideas. Vidcode teaches K-12 computer science principles through a drag and drop environment that quickly moves into text-based programming with JavaScript.


Other Requirements
Desktop or laptop, web browser (Chrome recommended), and an internet connection. No downloads are necessary as the program is accessible through a website. Can run on a Chromebook and tablet.